Douglas Clegg

Posts Tagged ‘garden’

First Crocus 2020

Friday, March 6th, 2020

Been working for a year on the front garden(s), which means my husband and I wrangle with drills, trowels, shovels, wheel barrows.

One thing we did in the fall was plant 300 daffodil and 100 crocus. New England takes a long time to get to peony and plum blossom season, so we wanted some color out there as early as possible.

And now, in early March, the first crocus has bloomed. I doubt all the crocus will come up (I understand that some little animals like to dig them up) but I’m happy if even a tenth of them show up this month. The yard needs a bit of color pop.

In the first photo it’s hard to see it but there’s a close-up of the little emerging flower below it.
