If you love the fiction of Daphne du Maurier, Susan Hill, Shirley Jackson, Edgar Allan Poe, and other dark gothics with ghost stories, you are sure to enjoy the novella, Isis.
“Clegg (The Abandoned) expands the burgeoning backstory of his multivolume Harrow haunted house saga with this poignant chamber tragedy involving young Iris Catherine Villiers (who, as an adult, will become Isis Claviger, oracle of the spook-ridden Hudson Valley academy)…This potent novella, one of Clegg’s best, is both a stand-alone triumph and a powerful new chapter in his evolving series.”
“…a story of love, loss and longing…told with the beautiful prose of an old-fashioned Gothic era.”
“Haunting yet poignant, Isis is a work that should firmly place Clegg among the all-stars of horror such as Straub, Machen, LeFanu, and Stoker.”
“‘Never sleep there, for the dead enter your dreams.’ Those frightening words froze me to the page. And when Isis dares to open the doors to the Tombs, I knew the dark legends and terrors of this book would stay in my dreams for a long, long time.”
“Douglas Clegg’s Isis is a haunting beauty of a tale as chilling and dark as the shadows on an October night.”
“…a literary work for the ages. This story is Clegg at his absolute best. . . . lovely and powerful and profound. . . . a story that will live on for decades”